Blog Contents

A look at how to automatically set your version and build numbers in Xcode from the output of git describe.

development, git, xcode

We're pleased to note that PlaceWhisper 2.3 was release to the app store recently. A small update to our favour located content creation tool, but it has a couple of changes in it we thought we should discuss.


A look at a new stylus for the iPad that I recently bought to replace the one I made for myself, and a look at the app that I use it with the most, Paper.

ipad, stylus

Some notes on finding a usable Cocoa library that lets you build OAuth 2.0 support into your iOS apps.

cocoa, development, oauth

We released another update to Tickets, our iPad app for managing your projects in the online bug tracking platform Lighthouse, bringing it up to 1.2.


Some thoughts on a trend that seems to happen far too often: software being optimised for the developer's experience rather than the user's experience

design, ux

A look at another app we worked on last year, Tate Trumps Anywhere, where you can now interact with Tate Modern's game wherevere you are.

art, games, ios

A look at PlaceWhisper's 2.1 update, with a new look, collections, and embeddable maps for the web.


A christmas time release of a book that I helped a client turn into an app.

games, ios

Tickets, our Lighthouse based issue tracking app for the iPad, has crept up to version 1.1. There's no new functionality in this release, but it does represent a big leap forward in terms of performance for those of you with large projects.

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