Blog Contents

A quick tip on using the direnv project to make it easier to manage multiple Go projects without sharing your GOPATH.

development, golang

One of the current weaknesses of Go is how third part libraries are managed, in particular how they depend on third party services, which is not ideal for production build systems. This is a write-up of how I've solved this for one particular project at Bromium.

development, golang

Having used Go to ship a major project for the first time, here's a summary of what I found its strengths and weaknesses to be, and why it was the right tool for this particular job.

development, golang

A look at how powerful Quartz Composer is for quickly putting together a networked display for our home.

development, quartz

I finally got some hands on experience using the Oculus Rift, and here's my thoughts on what works and what doesn't.

games, oculus, vr

Some notes as I make the switch to a new mobile platform after many years using and developing for the iPhone. A look at some of the good things and frustrating things about Windows Phone 7.

mobile, os, windows

After hitting some issues with TestFlight, I've moved my developer testing work over to HockerApp.

development, iOS, macOS, testing

I'm excited to be starting my next project, heading up the OS X team over at local startup Bromium.

bromium, placewhisper

An interesting upcoming event, at which we just happen to be speaking...

culture, events

We've added retina support to our iPad based Lighthouse project issue tracking software. Here's a write up of how we did it.

ipad, tickets
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