Blog Contents

Some notes from my first experiments in writing a light-weight server-side Swift project, as I build a search-engine for my various websites.

IR, search, swift

How to make a SPM project that contains multiple executables using shared code, without adding another project.

development, swift

Taking the batch processing I was doing with geospatial data in the last post and instead doing the same visualisation in real time on the GPU using shaders.

4C, geospatial, geotiff, gpu, metal, shaders, swift

A look at how large geospatial datasets are stored and processed, some tips to quickly see what's in the files, and how to get such data onto an interactive webpage map.

4c, geospatial, geotiff

Somethings you really just need to test an idea quickly, and here's how to do that using Docker and Azure.

azure, docker, testing

A look at one of my new projects, putting my engineering skills towards a project tacking the ongoing climate crisis with a team at the University of Cambridge looking at verifiable carbon offsetting.

4c, blockchain, tezos

I've been doing a bunch of reading and playing in the space of minimal computing in my spare time, and here's some thoughts on things I find interesting in the area.

assembly, macos, os, virtualization, x86

A quick look a unexpected nuanced interaction of Django's HTTPResponse object and Python's type system that caught me out.

development, django, python

A small tutorial on how to run the Atheris fuzzing tool against your Django apps API to try find untested code paths.

django, fuzzing, python, testing

Not all software issues are in the code, here is a tale of how what clothes I was wearing impacted how well my app worked when used in the real world!

development, health, ios, location, testing
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