Tags > Swift
Building search with Server-Side Swift
Sharing code in multi-target swift package
17 Aug 2022 - development, swift
How to make a SPM project that contains multiple executables using shared code, without adding another project.
Processing geospatial data at render time on GPUs using Shaders
Failure strategies vs Swift optionals
15 Jun 2018 - development, swift
How I disapproved of forced unwrapping optionals in Swift in general, but have made my peace with the existence of the operator in practice.
Encoding and decoding polymorphic objects in Swift
29 May 2018 - development, swift
Some notes on trying to keep the flexibile approach to data-structures within the safety net of a type-strict language like Swift.
Rigorous Protocol Design in Practice: An Optical Packet-Switch MAC in HOL
SWIFT: A testbed with optically switched data paths for computing applications
SWIFT: A High Capacity Wavelength-striped Optically Switched Network with Electornic Control
29 Mar 2005 - intel, networking, optical, swift