Blog Contents

Tickets, our Lighthouse based issue tracking app for the iPad, has crept up to version 1.1. There's no new functionality in this release, but it does represent a big leap forward in terms of performance for those of you with large projects.


Over the weekend PlaceWhisper 2.2 quietly slipped into the app store. It's a sort of mixed bag releases, with a number of small changes to different aspects of PlaceWhisper, so we thought we'd quickly run through them with you.


A look at PlaceWhispers companion website, designed to let you access all your location based text, images, and audio when at your desk.

placewhisper, web

It's been barely a week since the last update to Tickets, our iPad client for the Lighthouse issue tracking system, was released, and now here's another update already to give it a good performance boost!

ipad, tickets

We're happy to announce the PlaceWhisper 2.1 update is live in the app store, which fixes a bunch of issues for iOS 5, and incorporates a bunch of user interface improvements based on feedback from users, trying to make it easier to explore the world around you.

ios, placewhisper

A look at some of the different things I use to make mockups.

design, ios

Some quick update news for both PlaceWhisper and Tickets.

placewhisper, tickets

A look at the story behind our latest app Tickets: where the inspiration came from, and how it was an opportunity for us to both learn some new skills whilst solving a real problem.


We're pleased to announce Tickets, an iPad client for the excellent issue tracking webservice Lighthouse.

ipad, tickets

In this post I'll give a detailed look at how you can use PlaceWhisper to create a phone based city guide for when people come to visit.

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